Why is it that our minds are overwhelmed by the growing to-do list, endless obligations, and the pressure to have a “perfect” holiday?
As I listen to messages from many corners of the church, I often sense that the words shared come from a place of fear or worry. But there’s another way to look at things.
There’s a popular saying within the mentorship community that when one person mentors, two lives are changed. Beyond changing the lives of two individuals, however, mentorship programs can also transform an organization.
Jane has been through many changes in her life. She’s had numerous doctor appointments, countless falls, and she’s seen several important relationships come and go over the years. Did I mention Jane is my 2 ½ year old granddaughter?
This year we are hoping to raise $40,000, as we have been averaging 1,186 counseling sessions per month, and in the 2021-2022 school year, we screened more than 2,200 students through the TeenHope program.
More recently, though, grief specialists have begun to say that grief does not follow predictable stages. And that “closure,” as we call it, may not be possible or even desirable.
Change. Transition. Transformation. Although these words sound like the same thing, each one expresses different aspects of our human experience.
In the previous 2021-2022 school year, TeenHope screened more than 2,200 middle and high school students in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.
Learn more about Samaritan’s director of consulting, as well as what advice he would give business owners and leaders today.
To meet the increasing needs for counseling, consultation for businesses, and TeenHope, we have welcomed a number of new team members!