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Take a look at the mental health screening TeenHope uses in middle and high schools, as well as the resources provided to at-risk teenagers and their parents.

The following is a statement from our legal counsel regarding parental consent and the TeenHope program.

TeenHope is a program of the Samaritan Counseling Center, an independent not-for-profit organization.

Samaritan Counseling Center is not a local educational agency (“LEA”) and is not a direct recipient of any federal or state funding. As such, Samaritan Counseling Center is not subject to the requirements of the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA). TeenHope programming is fully funded by Samaritan Counseling Center through donations from private individuals and foundations with an interest in its mission.

An LEA’s first year of the TeenHope program is entirely funded by the Samaritan Counseling Center and the TeenHope program. Therefore, TeenHope operates as a passive consent program and does not provide prior notice and an opportunity to opt-out pursuant to the PPRA or any similar statute or regulation.

LEA participation in TeenHope programming for subsequent years may be partially funded by the LEA through district/community resources. However, in some instances, a funder will choose to donate to TeenHope on behalf of a particular LEA and fund the program completely. In those cases, Samaritan Counseling Center stewards those funds and continues to fully fund the LEA for programming while designated funding remains available.

Should you have questions regarding consent requirements for programming that is not fully funded by Samaritan Counseling Center, you should seek additional guidance regarding notice and consent requirements applicable to your institution.

Designate a gift to one of our funds or programs

Upcoming Programs & Events

Dine at Rachel’s Cafe & CreperieApril 18

Dine at Rachel’s Cafe & Creperie Friday, April 18th from 8 AM - 8 PM Rachel’s will donate 10% of your total bill to the Samaritan…

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Registration Details Coming Soon!May 29

Mark your calendars for the 2025 "Sparkles of Hope" Gala! An evening of fantastic food & drink, trivia, raffle items, and FUN - all supporting the…

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