Opportunities for Endowment Giving

Samaritan Fund Permanent Endowment

This unrestricted endowment allows Samaritan Counseling Center to make gifts from interest each year where the need is greatest. A gift of $25,000 or more to the Permanent Endowment may be a named Fund within the Endowment.

Founder’s Fund

Within the Samaritan Fund Permanent Endowment is the Founder’s Fund. This Fund was created in honor of Jim Hanna when he retired.

Silent Samaritan Permanent Endowment

The Silent Samaritan Permanent Endowment was established in 2015 in honor of Linda Peacock and Alta Landis, founders of the Silent Samaritan Fund. The interest from this endowment each year is used to directly fund women receiving counseling services, to support a program that benefits women or to provide scholarships so that women can attend educational or support groups at Samaritan.

Endowment through the Lancaster County Community Foundation

Established in 2010, this fund will support and further the mission of the Center, which is to foster hope and healing through professional counseling, consultation and education while respecting and integrating personal and spiritual values. Donated funds make it possible for the Center to subsidize fees for those who have little or no financial resources. We are dedicated to excellence and committed to being the agency of choice for mental health services in Lancaster County.

To donate to this Endowment, please contact Jessica Mailhot, Director Forever Lancaster, 717-397-1629, extension 107, or by email at jmailhot@lancfound.org.

Board or Donor Restricted Reserve Funds

These non-endowed funds are restricted by either a donor a Donor or by the Board of Directors. It is intended that these funds will be held in long term investments to yield the greatest benefit. The benefit of giving to this fund is that it is not a permanent endowment and may be accessed in an emergency. Samaritan does request that a donor restrict their gift to one of our Designated Program Funds: the Samaritan Fund, the Silent Samaritan Fund or the Child & Adolescent Fund. While it is Samaritan’s intent is to use all designated gifts for the specific purposes and projects designated, the final authority for the use of all gifts to Samaritan Counseling Center rests with the Board of Directors. In exceptional circumstances where the designated purposes are no longer feasible, or have been completed, of for other good cause, the Board of Directors may redirect such gifts to other appropriate purposes or projects, retaining to the extent feasible, the basic original purpose of the designation.

Gifts to any of these funds may be given to Samaritan Counseling Center in the name of a family member or friend or anyone you wish to honor or memorialize.

For more information, please contact Director of Development, Anita Hanna, at 717-560-9969, extension 244 or by email at ahanna@scclanc.org.

Designate a gift to one of our funds or programs

Upcoming Programs & Events

Dine at Rachel’s Cafe & CreperieApril 18

Dine at Rachel’s Cafe & Creperie Friday, April 18th from 8 AM - 8 PM Rachel’s will donate 10% of your total bill to the Samaritan…

See Details
Registration Details Coming Soon!May 29

Mark your calendars for the 2025 "Sparkles of Hope" Gala! An evening of fantastic food & drink, trivia, raffle items, and FUN - all supporting the…

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