Training & Class Offerings

Congregational and Clergy Consulting aims to engage individuals and groups on a variety of relevant topics. View Our Digital Courses & Services Catalog or preview our offerings below. Some training hosted here at our facility may be accepting sign-ups while other offerings may be delivered by one of our presenters on-site at your organization. Contact us below if you have questions about the content of a class or would like to see one of these classes offered on-site at your organization.

Mindful Self-Compassion

On-site at Samaritan April 29, 2023 – May 6, 2023 – see class info and register here
On-site at your church/organization – contact us below

Basic mindfulness and compassion practices in a format compatible with spiritual growth. The 6-hour program is modular and can be customized for leaders or congregations. After completing the class, participants will be able to:

  • Describe and understand the theory and research supporting mindful self-compassion.
  • Motivate themselves with encouragement instead of self-criticism.
  • Use mindful self-compassion to assess and accept difficult situations and uncomfortable emotions more easily in the moment.
  • Respond to feelings of inadequacy or failure with kindness.
  • Use self-validation to transform difficult relationships.
  • Improve their daily lives by applying core mindfulness and self-compassion practices.
  • Participate in the rich and active alumni community, which continues to deepen their embodiment of these practices.

The Congregational Life Cycle

On-site at your church/organization – contact us below

Explore the phases of a congregation’s life cycle with this four-session workshop, and learn how to approach each phase with wisdom in order to create a healthy faith community. You can register for the full workshop or one session. 

  • Session One: There is a natural process every congregation goes through and in this introductory overview of the life cycles, you’ll learn about the different stages of church growth, maturation, and decline.
  • Session Two: Explore the particular challenges facing each stage of the congregation, as well as an exploration of how to meet those needs with the care and empathy required for that stage.
  • Session Three: Discover the reality of your congregation’s health to understand where you are, who you are, and what changes need to be made for the health of the community.
  • Session Four: Dig into some of the attitudes and actions present in a church that can undo its mission and make new people feel unwelcome, as well as seeking biblical wisdom for treating these “cancers,” such as lack of accountability and oversight.

Youth Ministry for Today’s Teenagers

On-site at your church/organization – contact us below

Learn how to better understand and serve the youth in your faith communities, as well as what to prioritize and how to best support them in this season of their lives. You can register for the full workshop or one session.

  • Session One: Nothing New Under the Sun: In this session, we will discuss the world in which adolescents are coming of age explore how our perception of the current context shapes our interactions with youths, as well as programming for them. We’ll also work on developing our empathy and remembering our own adolescence to enhance our ability to support the youths in our lives.
  • Session Two: Explore the biological changes teenagers undergo and think through ways to respond to the unique challenges present in this developmental stage. This, in turn, can inform your ministry programming to better align with holistic development of children, youths, and young adults.
  • Session Three: Dig into the factors that are most important in shaping faith and consider or reconsider what it may look like for youths to flourish. This conversation will also speak to how we can attend to all areas of congregational life in ways that contribute to faith development among children and youths.
  • Session Four: Learn how to focus on the key components that can form the essential core of programming and models for faith formation, including what it means to have a youth ministry program that is integrated into the life of the congregation.

Pastoral Resilience: Avoiding Burnout

On-site at your church/organization – contact us below

Learn important self-care habits for clergy leaders and pastors, as well as warning signs of burnout and how to avoid it, in this four-session workshop. 

  • Session One: Explores the emotional, physical and mental wear that often accompanies the sacred calling of ministers and offers ministers permission to disappoint people, pathways for resilience, and assurances that you are beloved — not for what you do for God, but for you who are to God.
  • Session Two: Examines how God has instilled each minister with individualized and human limitations, and what it looks like to minister within your personal imitations. This session also encourages ministers to pursue play and laughter, prioritize self-care, and build margin, silence and rest into your rhythms.
  • Session Three: Covers hiring and onboarding church staff, coaching employees to their highest potential, and redirecting them when struggling in their role, as well as discussing how pastors can develop essential employee policies, move from a shepherd to a rancher mindset, and grow in emotional intelligence as a leader.
  • Session Four: Provides insight for ministers on how to develop spiritual friendships and confidants both inside and outside your faith community, and includes an invitation to participate in an interdenominational cohort for ministers who may desire more relational connections.

Intersections Boundary Training

On-site at your church/organization – contact us below

Both congregants, leaders, and regional associations can benefit from half-day or full-day Intersections sessions that train individuals to better understand and set wise boundaries. That’s because every individual within the leadership of a church — both regionally and locally — needs to understand, respect, and set boundaries in order to cultivate a healthy community. In many judicatory bodies such as presbyteries, dioceses or conferences require and provide this training to their members.

The boundary training provided by the Clergy & Congregation Care program is customized to meet association requirements and time frames. It is also designed to be highly interactive, fully engaging the participants. Boundary training may also be offered as needed with a recommended group size of 10 or more.

Additional Training Topics

  • Team Building
  • Conflict Transformation
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Cultural Intelligence
  • Leading Through Questions
  • Polarity Management

Contact Us

Fill out the form below to get in touch to learn more about our training and classes. You can expect a response in 1-2 business days.

Designate a gift to one of our funds or programs

Upcoming Programs & Events

Registration Details Coming Soon!May 29

Join us for an unforgettable evening at the Sparkles of Hope 2025 Gala. Experience an elegant night of celebration and inspiration as we come together…

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